Booksmarks. Discovery. Company Bandwidth.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

CMS info

cmsInfo - Home

Monday, September 29, 2003

Friday, September 26, 2003

Documentation System > PHP Doc System

VIolent Spirituality !

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

Old World Flyers

Index of /IMAGES/reference/swhp

What does this Imply ?

A person capable of social interaction. with no opinions to distract him, yet capable of hearing and understanding opinions of others.
No ego to deter him from learning and adapting to information gained in his quest to experience all knowledge.
To seek. To know. To collect. To learn.
A repository of emotions, feelings, thoughts and all things human.

But unless this knowledge..this vast level of information is harnessed and applied to a specific task, what use would it be ? Without application, is knowledge true ? or just a hollow shell waiting to be filled by practical experience ?


Online Analytical Processing

google's dir

OLAP (online analytical processing) is computer processing that enables a user to easily and selectively extract and view data from different points-of-view.

OLAP can be used for data mining or the discovery of previously undiscerned relationships between data items. Data mining is sorting through data to identify patterns and establish relationships. Data mining parameters include:
Association - looking for patterns where one event is connected to another event
Sequence or path analysis - looking for patterns where one event leads to another later event
Classification - looking for new patterns (May result in a change in the way the data is organized but that's ok)
Clustering - finding and visually documenting groups of facts not previously known
Forecasting - discovering patterns in data that can lead to reasonable predictions about the future
Data mining techniques are used in mathematics, cybernetics, and genetics. Web mining, a type of data mining used in customer relationship management (CRM), takes advantage of the huge amount of information gathered by a Web site to look for patterns in user behavior.

In customer relationship management (CRM), Web mining is the integration of information gathered by traditional data mining methodologies and techniques with information gathered over the World Wide Web. (Mining means extracting something useful or valuable from a baser substance, such as mining gold from the earth.) Web mining is used to understand customer behavior, evaluate the effectiveness of a particular Web site, and help quantify the success of a marketing campaign.
Web mining allows you to look for patterns in data through content mining, structure mining, and usage mining. Content mining is used to examine data collected by search engines and Web spiders. Structure mining is used to examine data related to the structure of a particular Web site and usage mining is used to examine data related to a particular user's browser as well as data gathered by forms the user may have submitted during Web transactions.

The information gathered through Web mining is evaluated (sometimes with the aid of software graphing applications) by using traditional data mining parameters such as clustering and classification, association, and examination of sequential patterns.

TheBook ! TheBook ! TheBook !

depth perception due to hormones, research this, usefull...
danah boyd

use this to explain OVERLAP!!!
"i search your profile for a translation,
i study the conversation like a map. your reflection superimposed,
in the overlap
- Ani Difranco

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

TechRepublic &

TechRepublic - Real World. Real Time. Real IT. - TechRepublic

registered using office mail id...subscribe to all relevant newsletters.

Notes..Personal & OtherWise !

the sites mentioned within {,} can be used to say either I work for such a site or i'm the detective who prevents this from happening..Wired News: Porn Spam: It's Getting Raunchier

good designs...posters & blotters.Emek

Good article but it would be better to just make pdf's from before and keep instead of generating it dynamically..PDF from PHP
scan & put up pics of the "pirates of WHI" along with the evolution of the project. you can call the section "reCode..deCode..unCode !" since every IT project is an evolution, marked only by constant change brought on by employees, mngmt and affecting mindsets in a -- fundamental, radical and paradigm-shifting -- way.
be precise, non-biased..say "3 months on a project means emotions start coming into becomes more of a 'do or die' scenario with loyalties and honour coming into the fray at random intervals. talk about how it started, who joined it, did what work, what was implemented, why was it changed, what could have been implemented. talk about stress testing VBulletin, 37,500 users killed in 48mins...Board still working ! talk about differences in opinion amongst the programmers, designers (toral's fonts fiasco due to print background), mngmt's last minute 3 week code marathon inspired/shamed/hastened work...get evryone's opinion on about rising hype and jokes in the company regarding project. project managers need to be in touch with the core builders but also need to stamp out certain ideas, deemed non-profitable or unneccesary to the project. a feature-freeze has to be done as soon as a proof-of-concept has been made, after exploring all viable alternatives, this means the core builders need to know exactly what the project end-goals are, plan for future expansion while the mgnmt needs to works out it's exact feature/spec list...

Sites to check & Songs to pLAY

Parikrama -- But it Rained
annie lenox -- no more i love yous
robbie williams -- feel

Monday, September 22, 2003

Annie Lenox

I used to be lunatic from the gracious days
I used to be woebegone and so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed for you to see
Oh but now...
(i don't find myself bouncing home whistling
Buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting outside the word
(the lover speaks about the monsters)
I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire, despair, desire, so many monsters
Oh but now...
(i don't find myself bouncing home whistling
Buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more I love you's
The langutage is leaving me
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting outside the word
They were being really crazy
They were on the come.
And you know what mammy?
Everybody was being really crazy. Uh huh.
The monsters are crazy.
There are monsters outsides
Outside the word

WorthWhile to Check...

goopymart presents

Must Read

How To: By You -An Experiment in Intuition

How To: By You -An Experiment in Intuition

Tabless Layout Generator

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Friday, September 19, 2003

Our Idea !!!

Thursday, September 18, 2003


Downgraded to work in IE button -
ongoing · The Door Is Ajar

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Designer Community

Dissent. Posters. Revolution !

Esquire Cover Gallery

Esquire Cover Gallery

Pixel Illustrations..

Omana Man


Tutorials on creating lists.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Online Dictionary -

too cool !! worth a look..
Online Dictionary -

Corporate Rape of a Virgin Mind.

Collobarative book.

1)employee mentality and the need to rise above it.
2)Employee alignment is the key ingredient to organizational success ?
Is this what we should be fighting against ?
[check this - ]
3) 9-6 mentality...biggest strength is in its inherent stability...but is this a misperception ?
4)corporations have evolved into a modular structure...compartmentalizing, departmentalizing, delegating authority to project managers responsible for channeling programmer ability & interest into completing their assigned task...but the next logical step of separating each of these divisions into independent, freelance outfits. self supportive and free of the company's influence. Their owe no obligation or shoulder no company responsibility. freelances in the true sense of the word, it is the project manager who must cajole and needle them through moodiness and sloth. this freedom to operate means acceptance of more conditions than

Monday, September 15, 2003

CounUp & CountDown

Use these for the Launch Monitor and for "sowing the seeds for insurgency since 234 days, 60 hours and 20 secs."

Dynamic Countdown Script II

CountUp Time

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Quotes by Socrates

Quotes by Socrates


get some conspiracy material from the e911 locationd etection service.
Geowanking Info Page

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Forum Moderator Rules

Steal this too !!

hehehee..perfect for the surd's site ! check it out !! the grey background bars look good...

MeFi Links...

flash clock

Time -

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Monday, September 08, 2003

Strategic Visualizer

A strategic visualizer is a hard core researcher who acts as a facilitator/lubricant between a company, it's projects, programmers & the staff who will follow it through to the end-user.
In plain english, he is a jack of all trades and master of none. An IT chameleon who can design standards-compliant software architecture just as easily as he can perform usability walkthroughs while providing the necessary preparation needed by the support & sales staff.

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Erowid LSD Vault : Blotter Art Examples

randomize blotter art images...(grey)martian & hoffmans for sure..check out others...
Erowid LSD Vault : Blotter Art Examples

Second Page

Friday, September 05, 2003

Accessible Standards, Semantics & You.

mezzoblue ��� Standards: Designing For the Future

Banned Diretory Names.

Web Pages That Suck learn usability and good Web design by looking at bad design

Web Page Analyzer

Web Page Analyzer website speed test and analysis for faster downloads - Services - Web Site Optimization, LLC

Standards & Semantics

crisp, clean design & good article.
stating the obvious :: A Standard for Site Organization :: Nov 02 1998

Standards & Semantics

Standards don't necessarily have anything to do with being semantically correct (

design Explanation

designer ryan carver explains his site design techniques.



could use the 'show-links' bookmarklet in my txts to mngmt.
could use the 'show-comments' bkmrklt at bottom of page.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Newsletters -

Usability & design tactics along with webservices too (?)

Newsletters -


Mngmnt are trusting simpletons not aware of the insidious depths a human mind can drag its host to.
no worries, i shall protect my company. i shall defend and deal with our enemies from within. They will not escape.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003


sales people are all icky sweet with their slime talk about how you're overflowing with expertise in all things under the sun. this crap might convince a weak minded client to buy but against a selfish, paranoid little social engineer, its as effective as my consience telling me not to do drugs.
His 3 questioned tentative probe is now to be followed by his 'drop-u-home-if-u-dont-mind' routine. as if i'm not aware a bike is the perfect instrument for the passenger's vital organs to go squishy feely against the rider's ass.
Or maybe this is when he attempts to pump me for information.
One things for certain, I'm not a pumpee.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

The Gatherer

The java guy's coding 3 software modules to crawl the web, running off 8 different servers with a 3 tier redundant backup system. The computing power involved here is enough to send a man to the edge of the solar system and bring him back.
First two are called Gatherers. Once unleashed, they'll crawl 6.9 billion pages of defense networks, financial institutions and your spouse's hotmail account. They'll tag items which match predefined keyword lists and mark its location in a database. They'll be running in fulll stealth mode, fake useragents, fake headers, spoofed ips.

The third crawler, called Harvester, will parse through the collected database as and when queries are passed to it. It'll take a maximum of 12.8secs to sort through the total collective of all digitized human knowledge and produce search results.

Manny's little GoBot does it in 6.9secs.

Bookworm by

alright, listen up - this is Purrfect !
take the bookpages offwhite shade, make the left hand side with a black border, right hand side with the silhoutte...try the yellow color, see what it looks like instead of the white, otherwise use it for pre tags and stuff...
fonts are cool...

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
border-top:1px solid #333;
.newsItemDesc {
font-family: Georgia, serif;
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;
tt {
padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;
border:1px #E8CA8A solid;

Book Worm: About

The Original Happiness is a Headset Homepage

Hmmm...good site to pick up call centre tips & terms..
The Original Happiness is a Headset Homepage

Totally Off The Record - read & share anonymous work stories

STEAL THIS DESIGN !!! no seriously, just get inspired...and finish it off !! please !!
Totally Off The Record - read & share anonymous work stories


Good design. photography site.

Canon 3D Papercraft

Origami-like models to be made from printer paper.
Canon 3D Papercraft

Scott Blake - Bar Code Art

site with barcodes as the main concept.
Scott Blake - Bar Code Art
a blogger app, written in PHP. needs a closer look.
CutePHP Scripts

Blog Archive