Booksmarks. Discovery. Company Bandwidth.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Slumber Inc.

Good posters

Payment-Gateway..just finish the damn thing off!

Good Design, Layout

Good Design, Typography

Survey Trip. import to MT.

1. PHPSurvey

2. ActionPoll

3. phpESP
{seems easy enough}

4. phpSurveyor

Cocaine and Ecstasy Cause DNA Mutation

"In other words, the longer the time frame of drug consumption, the greater the damage to DNA," Bronzetti said.

Accessibility in 30 Days, Self Help Guide.

Dive Into Accessibility: Table of contents


A cluster of systems working parallel and/or in conjunction to facilitate input & retrieval of data, using the internet as it's primary storage backbone.

3 Phases. Currently on SystemOne.
UNCOMMON CREATURES | by {good Design}

Promote open-Source

Block Worms & Trojans


Reinvigorate (os)

Good Design
white on grey


1. Recieve & Transmit.

2. 200 lightyears in 5 minutes.

3. Caffeine, pollution & procrastination.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

User-centred Design

Message Digital Design Ltd - User-centred Design

Font Survey Results

VisiBone Font Survey Results - Browsershare

web design and development news


Color Combo's

1. #00a9f5 - blue
2. #a8a8a8 - dark grey
3. #0066CC - sharp blue {suyog's site}
4. #D6D6D1 - dull grey {possible for 'news'}
5. #F7F3EF - dull offwhite
6. #E2E4EB - purply
7. #eeeee9 - brownish offwhite

for the Book...

Watchful, introverted, but with a certain grace, shy with a hint of sadness beneath her eyes, in some ways wise beyond her years and in others, still a little girl.

She wasn't the bones & flesh abomination thrust upon us by the fashion industry and she definately wasn't a heart-stopping beauty.

She was simply what God must have glimpsed in a single moment of evolving perfection.

She was The Girl.

Parminder Kaur Singh.

CSS Layouts

Open Directory - Computers: Data Formats: Style Sheets: CSS: Examples: Layout

InkNoise's Layout Generator

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Blogger Directory

Directory sorted by title

Good design for apna Book

Web standards, usability and accessibility

456 Berea Street

CSS Tabs

1. Pure CSS tabs [dive into mark]
{good breacrumbs menu & css bottom positioning}

2. unraveled

3. Kalsey


see-through backgrounds

Translucent: see-through backgrounds for the masses

Apple's Safari browserView

iCapture - your site through the eyes of Apple's Safari browser


{ font: 69%/1.5 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', verdana, arial, sans-serif; }

Look at the screen shot. This site’s CSS sets paragraph text at 11px/1.5, meaning 11px text size over leading of [ 1.5 x 11px = ] 16.5px. Safari’s line-height matches that of Opera 7/Win and IE5/Mac (not shown in the screen shot) and appears to be either the correct value (16.5px) or slightly less (16px). The line-height in IE6/Win is slightly more open than that; it may have been rounded up to 17px. But essentially, Safari, Opera, IE/Mac and IE/Win understand 11px/1.5 the same way.

Gecko browsers like Camino (formerly Chimera) and Netscape 7 interpret the rule differently. In Gecko, the line-height is over 20px (see screen shot). There may be a valid reason for Gecko's line-height calculation, but it seems wrong.

We could force all browsers to display the same amount of leading by specifying the line-height value in px rather than as a percentage of the font size, but doing so might create problems in browsers that let users scale font sizes.

CSS Design Tool

Firdamatic: the Design Tool for the Uninspired Webloggers

Blog Hunt

1. EasyMoblog
{ emailBlog, only good thing about it}

2. Wordpress
{pretty good but no clean urls}

3. GlueWakkaWiki
{vinay: oh my god! another wakka ripoff}

4. Nucleus
{very strong contender}

5. Bplog
{pretty simple but no clean urls, strong contender}

6. B2Evolution
{SubCategories! but no clean urls, strong contender though}

Blog Archive