Booksmarks. Discovery. Company Bandwidth.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Sunday, March 21, 2004

for TheBook

It wasn't like the practised, smooth motion shown in movies. Our first time was awkward & clumsy. and yet, it felt like...the universe suddenly coming back into alignment. For a religious person, it would be the equivalent of standing in front of God, trying to tell him how perfect his world had suddenly become but not being able to say anything so you just stand there in front of him with a dumbass smile.

And then one day, you wake up and things click into place and you realize you like her, even though you can only use her body to express your feelings, you still like Her. Not the shell, but the 'thing' living inside and it dosn't matter if you're with her or if she's even in the same country or with someone else, it's only her body doing all that which you don't really care about because no matter what, your feelings for the Real Her will never go away.

Of course, this could also be the latest in my long line of self deluding daydreams I use to get up and face another day which I know I'll have to get through before I can face sleep.
And dream.
Of her.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

for TheBook

It had no defined deadlines, no clear features, absolutely no future and no distractions. Just what I needed.

not pretty

not pretty : welcome home

DMOZ >> Web Credibility

DMOZ Web Credibility Section

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Thursday, March 11, 2004

for theBook

I forgot about the crunchy gravel beneath my toes and the 1000ft drop below. I forgot everything except the heat of her mouth as it burnt me alive. I remember the sigh that escaped her.

I hear it's echo everytime I close my eyes to sleep.

Monday, March 08, 2004

ZenGarden Crawl
{good structure and faded colors}
{good header style, small image and big title chunk}
{tight layout, dosn't do well in 800x600 though}

Font sampler

Code Style: Font sampler subsection for font-family properties of Cascading Style Sheets

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

angryCoder - Speak your mind...

angryCoder - Speak your mind...

Design by Fire: Design Matters

Design by Fire: Design Matters

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

for TheBook.

The United States is invaded by the United Nations. The Presidents are caught on film offering sacrifices to the Pagan Gods.

Things to Be Done.

1. - customization is big business now.
2. mod_rewrite/regex - url writing is big business now.
3. i'll mutter in blogspot. core of all sectors will remain a redirect.

Blog Archive