Booksmarks. Discovery. Company Bandwidth.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

From the Top

#3 - and the quote that says it all -
"Very few companies operate as a meritocracy. They are based on politics and manipulation of perception."

Friday, September 24, 2004

"Comes from the Top"

#2: Process Implementation
processes are put in place to provide accountability.
this leads to increased responsibility. unfortunately, most humans spend their lifetimes trying to escape responsiblity. i did. you did. only harishchandra din't.

Which is why any process can be nullified by a focused, argumentative discussion of 45mins or more. Or manipulated by an astute cubicle ninja.

surviving the corporate culture

Tip #1 - never make suggestions. you could be put in charge of implementing them. or even worse, they'll be approved...then get modified behind your back.

TMX Communications - Big Fonts & Clean Design

TMX Communications

YahooLike Tab Content Script

Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- Tab Content Script

PHP/SWF Charting Library

PHP/SWF Charts

Internet junkies in chilling cold turkey experiment - for theBook

Internet junkies in chilling cold turkey experiment | The Register

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Way of the CSS Ninja!

The most formidable of weapons in your arsenal is the STYLE tag.
Capable of embedding itself to any of it's other brother tags, this can create drafts and iterations in half the time

interesting marriage of Wiki+Blog+Project Mgmt


Color Combinations!

About's Color Combo's

Email Index & Search Tool


Monday, September 20, 2004

Textarea - Restricting input / Limiting text

Felgall Javascript - Limiting Textarea Text

Textarea - Restricting input / Limiting text

Felgall Javascript - Limiting Textarea Text

for theBook

Loneliness doesn’t kill you or make you insane. Instead it makes you disdainful, cynical and resentful… which in a way is much, much worse. I can never tell if I’m alone for objective, social issues, or because I’m depressed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Usability Meets Marketing

While deciding between subdomains and subdirectories, enter both the urls in your location bar and see what other sites pop up from your history.

with new.whi, we are competing with,, etc...

with whi/news, we are competing with each and every seo who's managed to stuff 'webhost' into their domain name.

Clean Sites

for theBook

man's desire to track down his creator and destroy him...Bringing fire to the heavens and all that. Prometheus would be avenged.

Guide to Geek Girls & Guys

1. Talking to the Geek Girl

2. Girl's Guide to Geek Guys

Macromedia - Developer Center : Building a Blog in Dreamweaver with PHP and MySQL Part 1: Creating the Basic Application

Macromedia - Developer Center : Building a Blog in Dreamweaver with PHP and MySQL Part 1: Creating the Basic Application

Monday, September 06, 2004


Serendipity...synchronicity...or just an odd coincidence!!!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

SHGb02+14a - for theBook

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Astronomers deny ET signal report

FireFox Extensions

let me rephrase, now i don't have to worry about finding a linux port because XUL lets everything work across platforms...XML User Interface Language means i can actually write my own extensions...Firefox Help: Extensions

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